Pitera Essense Set SK-II
Finally tercapai jugak hasrat untuk membeli Pitera Essense Set SK-II dengan harga yang murah. Tunggu masa murah tengah sale lah baru mampu nak beli. Ini pun kira set percubaan je. Sale di Mid Valley, kirim kat dua pupu yang memang pengguna tegar SK-II. Tapi dia lelaki..guna SK-II for men.
Alang² ade sale dan memang nak beli, so terus la kirim je la. Teruja betul nak guna. Ye lah, produk yang agak mahal tapi tahan beberapa bulan kira berbaloi guna. Kalau kira² balik lebih kurang kosnya. Cuma mahal sikit je la kot.
Research of SK-II Pitera™ began in 1970. SK-II began at a sake brewery in Japan. Scientists noticed the elderly workers had wrinkled faces but extraordinarily soft and youthful-looking hands Observation of the soft and youthful hands of sake brewers inspired the research into the yeast fermentationprocess. From there, a rigorous search of over 350 strains of yeast was conducted before researchers discovered the unique yeast strain from which Pitera™ is naturally derived.
SK-II Pitera™ contains components of Natural Moisturizing Factors (NMF) that occur naturally in the skin. Pitera™ also has other ingredients such as polysaccharies and proteins the improve the skin functions.
The combination of Pitera™'s delicate balance of Vitamins, Amino Acids, Minerals and Organic Acids, and the Natural Moisturizing Factors it contains, gives it its unique ability to adapt to the skin, yielding multiple skin benefits to bring skin back to harmony.
(Source from SK-II)
Harga untuk Pitera Essense Set SK-II on sale RM199
Pitera Essence Set mengandungi:
75 ml Facial Treatment Essence
30 ml Facial Treatment Clear Lotion
1 pcs Facial Treatment Mask
Anggaran boleh tahan dalam 2-3 bulan lebih. Harap Pitera Essense Set SK-II ni boleh memberikan hasil yang paling baik untuk kulit Fiza yang bermasalah ni.
Kalau guna miracle water @ Facial Treatment Essence ni pun dah okay.
Kalau okay, lepas ni boleh restock. Nantikan entry review Pitera Essense Set SK-II dari Fiza.
wow fiza..akak pun dari dulu memnag nak pakai SKII ni..tapi disebabkan harga dia diluar kemampuan..cuma boleh tengok jelah...
ReplyDeleteselamat pagi...
ReplyDeletenieyl x penah lagi try pakai SK-II nie...
dulu saya pun pakai. lepastu sambung master means memilih utk mencatu kewangan. since dah tak boleh maintain, saya guna yang mampu saja. esok lusa dah stabil balik, mmg nak rujuk balik dgn SKII
ReplyDeleteTeringin nak pakai..tapi..jeng...jeng...jeng..huhu...cousin PC pakai alhamdulillah serasi..fiza istiqhomah ye..
ReplyDeletemmg leh tahan hrga dia..hehe yui mmpu tgk je dlu
ReplyDeleteeh fiza ada kulit masalah cmne?
wahh..guna skII ye? mmg mhl gakkan