Cashout Nuffnang March 2016
Hujung bulan juga sempat menjengah Encik Nuffnang, kotlah ada duit belanja untuk cash out. Alhamdulillah dapat cash out untuk bulan March ni. Earning Nuffnang agak sendu akhir akhir ni walaupun traffic maintain okay. Takpelah kan, syukurlah apa yang dapat dari non hado.
Kembali RM0.00 dan mula menabung dari sekarang. Harap boleh cashout untuk bulan depan juga. Check akaun Nuffnang masing masing dan jom cashout!
As stated in Nuffnang payment policy, Nuffnang pays its members 30 days (60 days for Ordinary) after every end of the month from their cashout request date for Glitterati members. Upon then, the cheque will be compiled and sent to the bank for legal processing before delivered to your registered address. The processing and delivering by the bank will take about 2 weeks time. The status will be changed to 'Paid' once the cheque has been sent to you! Hope this clarifies! Thank you and have a nice day!-Nuffnang
Assalammualaikum... ashafizah,
ردحذفtahniah yer.. dah dapat cashout nuffnang. Semoga sukses dengan nuffnang.
tahniah fiza,..syok tiap-tiap bulan dapat cashout
ردحذفalhamdulillah ada juga
ردحذفbestnya...nuffnang akak macam lembab skit la...hehehe..
ردحذفwah. .. tahniah sis ..jemput ke blog ada resepi puding sumi ...
ردحذفcongratz, fiza ^^
ردحذفaritu sy last cashout.. pasni dh xde kot, huh...
ribu riban nih,... tahniah cik fiza yer
ردحذفbest nyer. tiap bulan cash out.
ردحذفmcm dpt gaji plak :)
inspirasi kpd blogger yg lain, fiza. tahniah.