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Naik Bosan Dengan Internet Slow

Rasanya dah dekat nak sebulan internet slow macam siput. Siput pun lagi laju agaknya. Sebelum ni slow sikit je. Tapi dua tiga hari ni slow banyak! Dia punya loading sempat lagi kalau nak buat kerja lain sementara tunggu full loading.

Naik bosan nak tunggu. Bila internet slow, kerja pun jadi perlahan. Dahlah kerja Fiza ni download dan upload. Kalau ada gangguan internet macam ni memang boleh tambah stress. Semua pengguna internet mengalami masalah yang sama walaupun pakej streamyx yang di ambil paling laju tapi slow juga.

Ramai yang complaint tentang internet slow. Nak tahu kenapa internet slow. Baca dalam artikel bawah ni yang telah diberitahu oleh Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM).

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) earlier announced that we have detected a fault on the Asia Submarine Cable Express (ASE) system off Singapore, which affected our Cahaya Malaysia submarine cable linking Malaysia to North Asia and the United States. ASE consists of 6 fiber pairs of which TM owns 2 fiber pairs, named as Cahaya Malaysia.
We would like to reiterate that these cable faults have caused international link outages which affected the browsing experience of not just Internet customers of TM, but also other Internet users in Malaysia and in the region as well. This is as most of the regional traffic would have to pass the affected submarine cable systems.
During this period, Internet users may experience some degree of service degradation such as slow browsing and high latency while accessing contents hosted in the United States (US), North Asia and Europe via the affected cables. However, we wish to note that our IPTV service, HyppTV is not affected by the outages as the service utilises TM's domestic backhaul network.
Whilst we are working with our consortium members in other countries to restore Cahaya Malaysia, we are also proactively rerouting traffic to alternative routes to minimise impact to our customers. The rerouting options available in South East Asia are also hampered by minor faults and planned maintenance on several other sea submarine cables around the region, namely Asia Pacific Cable Network 2 (APCN 2), South East Asia - Japan Cable (SJC), South East Asia – Middle East – Western Europe 4 (SEA-ME-WE 4). We are actively managing this dynamic situation together with consortium partners and would like to assure customers that we are undertaking all necessary measures to ensure that customers continue to experience uninterrupted service.
We will continue to provide necessary updates on the progress of the restoration works via our official customer support accounts on Twitter @TMConnects as well as on Facebook at Everyone Connects, and will monitor feedback from our customers on the quality of service experienced.
We wish to thank our customers for their understanding and patience for this capacity reduction affecting operators in the whole region. Should you have any questions or require any assistance, you can reach us at @TMConnects​ or via Everyone Connects​ Facebook page​. We can also be contacted via email at help@tm.com.my. ​ Sumber dari : www.tm.com.my 

Tak hairanlah kenapa internet slow semacam. Banyak banyak lah bersabar ye. Jangan angin satu badan.

هناك 9 تعليقات:

  1. mmg sebab insiden di singapore tu.. kami yg kat ofis ni pun slow jugak...

  2. Huhuhu Fiza...mmg angin satu badan laaa ..sakit hati pon ada..bayar bulan mahal2 tapi line hampehhh..Tapi nak buat macam mana kan ..takleh nak salahkan pihak telco gak huhuhu..Ada jer masalah

  3. hehe internet saya okay sejak akhir2 nih hehehe

  4. sama la ngn syeeda.. tambah nk email stress loading huhu sabo jela

  5. lahaiii.. ingatkan akak sorang je kena.. rupanya ada sebab kenapa slow.. thx for the info Fiza..

  6. slow. diorang tau slow.
    tapi nape tak bagi rebate kat bill?
    hmmmm gerrrammm!


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