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Tips for creating more space in your home

With so many properties available for sale, such as Pacific Place Ara Damansara, searching for a house is no longer difficult. However, buying a house is still considered unaffordable for young working adults, especially for those who want to move to a bigger house. Fret not, this article will guide you through some tips for creating more space in your home

1. Right furniture
Make sure you choose the right furniture for your house. Choose the right proportion for your furniture that you want to place at home. Avoid getting furniture that is too big or bullky for your house as this will only make your space looks smaller than it already is. It is suggested to always keep some air or spaces between the walls and your furniture. In addition, avoid heavy and weighty furniture that eat up the spaces in your house. If you plan on purchasing from online furniture stores, make sure to check the product dimensions to get the right fit. Make sure you do not add too much furniture in your house. Balance is key.

2. Mirrors
Mirror is said to be the fastest way to make a space looks bigger and brighter than it actually is. Whether or not it is a myth, it is true that they are good in reflecting sunlight in a room. However, it does not work the same when mirrors are placed in dim spaces such as the bathrooms as there are no direct sunlight for reflection purpose. Instead, you could use some framed mirrors to make your space appear brighter and more spacious. Not only they make your room appears larger, they can also reflect light coming into the room if placed across from light sources. 

3. Light
Next, light can also make a home feel and look more spacious than it is. Different types of light will create different shadow in the house. Moreover, light can brighten up the space and add height to it. You can also choose to install windows to allow some sunlight through your home to brighten up the space. Closed windows will create darkness and make a space look more cramped. Therefore, keep your windows open to allow sunshine to shine through your house.

4. Paint the walls
Choosing the right paint, the right color makes a huge difference. Using the right paint can instantaneously revive and brighten your initially dull looking house. It is recommended to go for light and bright color, as light colors give the illusion of a bigger and airier space. Therefore, choose a color that will brighten up your house or a color that adds a touch of liveliness for your house. A right paint will instantly make the place feel bigger and more spacious. 

Nobody wants to come back to a place where it further brings down the already-tired-from-work mood. Make sure to use only good quality paint as well to protect your home and will certainly last you a few years. If you are unsure of which color to choose, you can always ask for advices from the stores, as most stores offer a wide variety of colors for you to choose from and they will be able to advise you on the matching of the color that suits your house theme. 

5. Make use of the laundry room
Just because it is designed as a laundry room does not mean you are confined in only using it as a laundry room. You should definitely maximize the storage in your laundry room. You can use the laundry room as a space to store the detergents, a hanging area for your clothes, or a place for you to iron your clothes. Make use of the space for shelves, folding or cabinetry.

6. High ceilings
High ceilings can be a major advantage for enhancing layout and space. If you are staying in a studio apartment that comes with high ceilings, maximize the space by creating a space that can be a storage area or sleeping area. Higher ceilings will also make the house feel larger than it is. 

7. Storage box
It can be tough to fit all your clothing into your wardrobe and shelve and most women can relate to this. Furthermore, building a new build in closet or additional cabinets will cost you a lot. Worry not, you can always buy more storage box to fit in your extra clothes and accessories. Store your season clothing such as winter jackets under your bed by using the storage boxes or large containers. Not only you get to save space in your wardrobe, you can also save the money from buying new cabinets or built in wardrobe. 

In conclusion, small interiors are not a challenge if you maximize your space. It is definitely not a nightmare to be staying in studio apartments or small homes. In fact, staying in a house with smaller space ensures you only keep what you need. 


  1. Rumah ku syurhgaku. So kena beli rumah untuk bahagia di Dunia..pilihlah yang berkenan di hati

  2. Bila ruang kecil, bab menghias kena betul kan. supaya tak nampak serabut. malah boleh nampak kemas dan luas gitu.

  3. bagus tips ni. banyak kita kena cuba jugak kan untuk dapatkan hasil yang terbaik...

    1. betulkan mana yang silap. so dapat create ruang yang lebih besar untuk ruang yang sempit

  4. Bagus gak tip ni fiza.. Satu lagi kalau jenis ruang kecil jgn terlalu padat sgt dengan barang2.. Sbb nanti jadi mcm lemas rasa..

  5. Wah, bagus tip ni. Kalau takde idea boleh ikut tip ni

  6. How I wish I can make sure my mom read this...haihhh~

  7. Oh yes! I need more space at home. I think I m going to renovate my laundry room into a bit of store room and ironing space.

  8. setuju sgt lagi2 bab painting n mirror tu..hehe n susunan barang dlm rumah juga


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